Monday, June 15, 2009
, 11:00 PM
Soooo sorry lol nowadays really tooooooo busy =DD..
with my brother in the hospital having his backbone surgery and visiting him frequently so really busy =(.
yesterday went to celebrate "BU" hui mei birthday HAHA go a place call ARAB to seeSHA ^^ not bad la like no feel like that ==" i haven got any of the photo yet will upload a few days later cause she went over to msia!last weekend went to some sort of OCBC club with my cousin lols,sang K ,played pool and dart ect.Yesterday after seesha went to CLUBBING LASt minute ==" go in was super squeezy cannot move wth and the speaker dunno why they put so loud is really over LOUD ears damn pain siao 1,go home around 3am.Damn tired ald then sleep until 10am which i am still super duper SLEEPy my mother ask me go hospital pick my brother with her cause he going discharge today =D.It actually nid alot of bravery to go to do the surgery so EVERYBODY PLS POSITION UR SITTING style properly dont slant 1 side hahas might affect when u grow older =D.