Thursday, August 20, 2009 , 5:34 AM

Hi everyone..i am back hahs..
Arrived in the middle of the night yesterday and i was damn shag =="
super tired.Been rushing here and there non-stop..
and the laguages is like HOLYTURTLE many ==" my mother damn irritating keep buying then in the end all i carry wtf super tired and the sun in hk/china is alot hotter than singapore nabei.At times can go to 33-35 degree..
Actually this trip i didnt have anytime to shop and buy things ...whole trip i am like meeting super lot of relatives ==",infact i only stay in hong kong for 1 day the rest of the day is GUI LIN a city of china =D known as the world's no1 scenery lols.their mountains is freaking imba beautiful =="
I from hk pass the custom and go over to shen zhen china and then take a 12hr IMBA train to guilin lols..BUT of course there is bed for us to sleep la lols ==" i went to the theme park in gui lin ...let me tell all of you...THAT IS THE MOST IMBA THEME PARK i had ever visit lols...and also dangerous ==" u see the pirate ship swings up to more then 90degree then somemore there is nothing protecting us all you had to only do is to grab on the the pole infront of you ==" in singapore or anywhere else there is a metal pole pressing down on ur legs so u wont fly out but this 1 ==" DONT HAVE...after i sit then i realised it swings so imba high =="
The pirate ship also have fatal case before 1 guy kana swing out and died ==" it appeared on newspaper somemore lols.I even went to some famous place there like mountain cave inside damn beautiful also lols have a chance pls visit =D
In guilin i been living with one of my father's relatives house and THEIR HOUSE alot of pets all damn cute ==" every morning 8.30am the cat comfirm come outside my room "meow" non stop ~