Saturday, August 1, 2009 , 8:22 AM

Long time nv post photo...=="
This is the photo which i just recover 1 day after MY H1N1 Lol....
damn strong !!! Yesterday i still can go Karaoke with boon siew,stanley and Chye wee.
Kana cheated... go sing less then 2hours smljwtfbbqrofl. =="
Is home whole day sit and rot played dota thru lols..
damn sian 10more days i am going Hk ==" i will bring Photos back BU YAO PA.
Go there at this time is DAMN hot hais dunno how to survive ==" rather stay at sg nabei.
My health this year really quite jialat nv take so much medicine in a month in my life ==" Damn fucked up..maybe go 1 round come back will change abit lols.
I already planned to buy a box of Mask to go oversea cause now kana H1N1 damn easy not kidding =="
Healthy 1ST !
Going back fuhua on wednesday to buy the prom night ticket quite expensive is $75 !
Dunno what will be the reaction of the teachers when they see such a TALANTED RARE GUINUS student back to school LOL ..