Friday, August 7, 2009 , 10:05 PM

He say he wants looks taller so he stand on the sofa =="

yesterday went to watch GI JOE with boonsiew and friends.Damn sian cause i am watching for the 2nD time ==" But nvm Boon's treat haha.
After watching go eat pizza hut...I scare sore throat so eat abit only lols.
Then we went to clementi to sing KBOX lols.OPEN NUMBER and the 1 kana stand infront sing ==" still got some idiots take video LOL.Damn fun but the time is short =( lols.Nvm next time we shall go again =D
And i am going hk in 3 days time ...I have bought a strong mask ald to protect from H1N1 and ect....LOL
sending away my dog on monday to let ppl takecare cause nobody at home...
damn troublsome.
Currently going boonsiew house to play majong lols =DD
kk i am latee ald gtg bye.