Monday, August 24, 2009 , 8:44 AM

Went out with to eat YUKIYAKI at marina during the weekends =D
TAstes normal but fun cause u are cooking urself lols =="
Use butter as oil tastes not bad hahas.
At that went to watch "turning point" at suntec cause marina dont have ~.~
Show was not bad but shaun tell me they copied a hong kong drama lols ..
Was wondering where to go hang around at boat quay until we decided to go sing K lols.
Sung until 5.30am ...we are crazy LOL it was damn tired lols cabbed home in the end.
That was the last day of fun for them they said until they finished O LVL lols...WORK HARD MY FRENS =D
went to watch jackneo new movie "XIA DAO SIAO" and my conclusion is it was quite lame ==" give me be director la i can make more funny LOl haha...the actor all act so stupid lols.